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  • btc = $81 849.00 -1 489.97 (-1.79 %)

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25 Dec, 2022
1 min time to read

It's an example of how said a little with too many words.

At the end of the year, LG's CEO William Cho outlined the company's areas of focus for the future. According to a press-release on the company's website, the CEO told about "successful changes", and "winning growth" and cited the strengthening of the company’s future.

Cho was constantly repeating the commonplace phrases and didn't say anything specific. It became a cause for jokes among journalists. There are some highlights of maybe the perfect press release.

"To increase corporate value, we need to accelerate qualitative growth and secure growth engines in areas with high potential,” Cho noted. “We will focus on maximizing the capabilities of existing businesses to strengthen the competitiveness of our core business while also rapidly fostering strategic businesses for the future.”

CEO then continued by emphasizing the need to establish a customer-centered business operating system.

"We need to produce tangible results through innovation that combines the customer experience and digital transformation," Cho continued. "To strengthen our customer-centered mindset and improve the way we work, we aim to achieve innovative customer experiences that exceed expectations by setting clear mid- to long-term goals and roadmaps."

Cho cited the strengthening of the company's future preparation capabilites by saing that LG need to secure future technologies and strengthen software competitiveness through R&D. "We also need to foster online businesses and intensify digital marketing to expand into the e-commerce business", said CEO.

He ended up his talk by returning to talk about LG future.

The future will be determined by the way we think and act now, which is, ultimately, to prepare for the future. “We need to courageously go through the trials and difficulties that we inevitably encounter in our individual challenges with an optimistic attitude and positive mindset that we can definitely succeed, as we have done so far,” Cho concluded.