• btc = $80 064.00 -2 412.49 (-2.93 %)

  • eth = $1 876.83 - 190.89 (-9.23 %)

  • ton = $2.56 -0.12 (-4.31 %)

  • btc = $80 064.00 -2 412.49 (-2.93 %)

  • eth = $1 876.83 - 190.89 (-9.23 %)

  • ton = $2.56 -0.12 (-4.31 %)

21 Mar, 2023
1 min time to read

Now users can't see the history of their previous chats.

Chatbot ChatGPT baked online after developers fixed a system bug with titles of users' dialogue. According to Bloomberg, that’s why the service wasn’t available on Monday. OpenAI temporarily turned off ChatGPT to fix a security issue.

it emerged that users could see the titles of other people's chats. OpenAI spokesperson told Bloomberg that the titles were visible in the user-history sidebar that typically appears on the left side of the ChatGPT page. The substance of the other users’ conversations was not visible.

According to developers, the reason for the issue was connected with unnamed open-source software. The company is still investigating the precise cause.

ChatGPT was offline few hours on Monday. It’s back online Monday night Pacific time. The return was accompanied by the message “History is temporarily unavailable”. OpenAI spokesperson said the company is “working to bring chat history back online as well”.