The new features, introduced ahead of the FIFA World Cup set to start on November 20, aim to help users find useful news related to the event, information about matches, venues and routes as well as various fun activities.
The American company says its aim is to help people "make the most out of the experience.“
We have seen the excitement locally around the Fifa World Cup this year, especially since it’s being held in our region for the first time,
said Najeeb Jarrar, head of consumer marketing at Google in the MENA region.
When searching for “World Cup” on Google, users will have the option of clicking on the bell in the top right-hand corner to receive regular notifications about the matches, teams or players. Android operating system users can also pin the scores on their screen to keep tabs on the matches when they are on. Moreover, Google will also provide detailed statistics related to the performance of various teams. Users will be able to track their winning probability and rate players based on how they think they performed.
The company has also updated its Maps service. Google Maps are now offering more detailed information about transit systems and road closures. Additional information on roads, footpaths across central Doha and points of interest in Qatar.
People can now find the best and most convenient places to watch the World Cup across the Mena region by typing 'where to watch the world cup near me' on Search,
Google announced.