• btc = $97 966.00 235.01 (0.24 %)

  • eth = $2 696.17 50.12 (1.89 %)

  • ton = $3.83 0.03 (0.85 %)

  • btc = $97 966.00 235.01 (0.24 %)

  • eth = $2 696.17 50.12 (1.89 %)

  • ton = $3.83 0.03 (0.85 %)

7 Sep, 2022
2 min time to read

A new urban technology district was unveiled in Dubai. It is expected the district will create 4,000 jobs in green urban technology, education and training.

The Dubai Urban Tech District will be located on the Creekside of Al Jaddaf district in Dubai and will cover 140,000 square metres of built-up area.

The Urban Tech District will be a new global tech hub for urban innovation. With a total of 140,000 square metres of built-up area, it will be the world’s largest urban tech district, thus making Dubai the centre for urban innovation,

said Baharash Bagherian, chief executive of URB, the company behind the Urban Tech District.

The buildings are expected to offset all its embodied carbon emissions from construction and operations. Among other, a scientific institute will be located in the area, which is expected to foster the next generation of urban tech leaders.

The project is estimated to commence by 2024 and will be completed in two phases by 2030, URB said.

Recently, similar projects have appeared in other Arab countries like the Xzero City in Kuwait, Alnana Smart City in Riyadh, and Nexgen Sustainable City in Egypt.

Currently, only one such city really exists in the Arab world. This is Masdar city located on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi, which one of our editors had a chance to visit.

Masdar City: Dreams Take a Long Time to Come True
The question is: Who is going to live there? Abu Dhabi is just starting its way as a global tech and innovation hub, with Dubai being years ahead.