• btc = $81 481.00 478.23 (0.59 %)

  • eth = $1 871.86 26.45 (1.43 %)

  • ton = $2.75 0.10 (3.73 %)

  • btc = $81 481.00 478.23 (0.59 %)

  • eth = $1 871.86 26.45 (1.43 %)

  • ton = $2.75 0.10 (3.73 %)

13 Jan, 2023
1 min time to read

With the e-Corner system a vehicle could complete crab-walking, zero turn, diagonal driving and pivot turn in a limited space.

The key advantage of the system is its portability. The system is a complete set of components that requires not much extra space for installation. It could be implemented in a large variety of electric cars.

The e-Corner technology would enable to park easily by rotating the wheels up to 90 degrees. Moreover, the vehicles with the e-Corner system could move diagonally, spin on the spot and perform pivot turn.

The in-wheel module was presented by Hyundai Mobis at the CES-2023 in Las Vegas. The technology is expected to be installed in production vehicles by 2025.

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