• btc = $67 598.00 2 449.00 (3.76 %)

  • eth = $3 256.63 93.81 (2.97 %)

  • ton = $6.74 0.20 (3.02 %)

  • btc = $67 598.00 2 449.00 (3.76 %)

  • eth = $3 256.63 93.81 (2.97 %)

  • ton = $6.74 0.20 (3.02 %)

28 Feb, 2024
1 min time to read

After more than a decade of development, Apple has officially abandoned plans for an electric car, Bloomberg reports. The decision, communicated internally by Apple COO Jeff Williams and Kevin Lynch, comes amid growing pressure from shareholders.

With over 2,000 employees involved in the project, internally known as Project Titan, the announcement of the project's cancellation came as a shock. Some employees will move to Apple's AI team, led by John Giannandrea, while others may seek opportunities within different Apple divisions.

It was originally supposed to be a fully autonomous car, but recent reports have hinted at a shift in release date to 2028 and a price cut. The leadership of the project, once headed by Doug Field, has changed over the years.