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  • btc = $100 593.00 2 945.03 (3.02 %)

  • eth = $3 917.33 249.42 (6.80 %)

  • ton = $6.46 0.44 (7.33 %)

8 Jul, 2023
1 min time to read

Instagram is reportedly testing a new feature called Live Activities in its iPhone app, allowing users to see the upload progress of photos and videos even when the app is closed.

Live Activities is a feature introduced in iOS 16 that enables real-time information to be displayed on the Lock Screen or Dynamic Island. Now, Instagram is leveraging this feature to provide users with continuous updates on their uploads.

When users upload a new photo or video on Instagram and close the app, Live Activities will show the upload progress on the Lock Screen or Dynamic Island. This eliminates the need for users to constantly check the app to ensure that their uploads have been successful.

The Live Activities display includes a preview of the content being uploaded and a progress bar indicating the upload status.

Currently, the Live Activities feature on Instagram is only available to a limited number of users as the company continues to test and refine its functionality. Instagram has not officially announced the support for Live Activities, suggesting that it is still in the testing phase. Users can increase their chances of accessing the feature by keeping their Instagram app updated.

Earlier this year, Uber added Live Activities to its main app and Uber Eats, providing users with real-time updates on their rides and food deliveries. Additionally, Live Activities will also be introduced to the Lock Screen of iPads with the upcoming iPadOS 17, expanding the reach of this interactive and informative feature to iPad users.