• btc = $81 591.00 1 285.08 (1.60 %)

  • eth = $1 893.60 -0.87 (-0.05 %)

  • ton = $2.65 0.06 (2.34 %)

  • btc = $81 591.00 1 285.08 (1.60 %)

  • eth = $1 893.60 -0.87 (-0.05 %)

  • ton = $2.65 0.06 (2.34 %)

7 May, 2023
1 min time to read

Users will view up to three limited-time events with app name, icon, rating, and download count along with sponsored suggestions when they tap the search bar.

The limited-time events are existing tools used to promote streaming apps that have special events coming up, while sponsored suggestions appear as explicitly labeled "Ads." Both types of suggestions disappear as users start typing their search. The change was announced in the April Google System Updates changelog and has been rolling out in recent weeks.

Google also released more information about the Play Store additions, including "key app and game highlights from what others are saying" in the search results page. Also an option to download apps and games over cellular data while waiting for Wi-Fi is added.