On October 27, Pavel Durov announced the launch of a special platform Fragment, which allows buying and selling Telegram usernames through auctions.
These are usernames that can be used for accounts, groups and channels. At the first stage, users are allowed to bid on the most unique usernames, which can already be worth more than $300,000. But the main aim is to allow everyone to secure ownership of their usernames:
For the first time in the history of social media, a fair, transparent market for usernames is established. Finally people will have ownership over their social media addresses, secured in the immutable ledger of a decentralized blockchain network, Pavel Durov said.
This speaks to the possibility of redeeming usernames that are valuable to oneself or, conversely, putting unwanted ones up for sale. Importantly, all names are placed on the TON blockchain, so no one can challenge the ownership rights of their owners. In a simple instruction, we tell you what you need to do in order to take part in the usernames auction.
In order to fully use the Fragment platform, you need to be authorized through your Telegram account and a Tonkeeper wallet. At the moment, the transactions are only in Toncoin cryptocurrency. Let's start with the main thing - understanding how to easily and quickly buy this cryptocurrency. The Telegram bot @wallet will help with this.
It can be used as a default cryptocurrency wallet. It is linked to your Telegram account. All management of the wallet in the bot can be done by /menu command.
This will allow you to conveniently use Wallet and send funds to the person without leaving the dialogue.
The list of offers in the P2P marketplace is grouped by default from the lowest price for 1 Toncoin listed by sellers to the highest.
Pay attention to limits - you will not be able to buy more or less coins than the seller specifies.
Tonkeeper is a multifunctional developing application, where besides Toncoin storage you can see the current rate, exchange currency, change address, find some convenient mechanisms of sending and receiving coins, store and view your NFT.
IMPORTANT: These words are your de-facto password, if you lose them you will lose access to your wallet - never give your phrase to anyone! Once you lose your secret words, it will be impossible to restore your wallet, so remember them carefully. Not only the words themselves are important, but also their order.
The site will automatically show the amount with the minimum step: for example, if the last bid was for TON 160,000 and the specified step is TON 8000, then the minimum that you can offer is TON 168,000.
It's important to have a little more Toncoin on balance than the value of the username. Don't forget the online commissions - they are insignificant, around 0.01 TON.
In case your bid has been overridden by a new one, you will receive a notification in Tonkeeper. In Telegram, you can receive it if you have subscribed to username alerts via a special bot - Fragment Auction Alerts.
The same procedure is applied for linking new usernames to groups and channels. Note that you must always have the latest versions of Telegram and Tonkeeper.