• btc = $84 057.00 -4 102.16 (-4.65 %)

  • eth = $2 320.50 - 169.04 (-6.79 %)

  • ton = $3.47 -0.08 (-2.18 %)

  • btc = $84 057.00 -4 102.16 (-4.65 %)

  • eth = $2 320.50 - 169.04 (-6.79 %)

  • ton = $3.47 -0.08 (-2.18 %)

8 Oct, 2023
1 min time to read

These new ad formats, unlike traditional ads marked with an "Ad" label, do not feature any associated user accounts.

When users scroll through their feed, embedded images and clickbait-style text can easily be mistaken for regular posts. The illusion is completed by a "profile" photo taken from the embedded image.

According to reports, this ad format does not appear in X's ad campaign manager. Instead, it seems these ads are being served by a third-party ad provider, raising questions about transparency and control over the platform's advertising content.

While X has not officially commented on the matter, the presence of unlabeled clickbait-style ads has sparked concerns over user experience and the need for clearer ad labeling and reporting options. Users are hoping for a resolution that ensures transparency and a more enjoyable browsing experience on the platform.