• btc = $95 774.00 -2 065.73 (-2.11 %)

  • eth = $2 604.90 -77.61 (-2.89 %)

  • ton = $3.73 -0.09 (-2.30 %)

  • btc = $95 774.00 -2 065.73 (-2.11 %)

  • eth = $2 604.90 -77.61 (-2.89 %)

  • ton = $3.73 -0.09 (-2.30 %)

1 May, 2022
1 min time to read

Telegram developers have released a new beta version 8.7.2 (23313) of the messenger for iOS. There is a considerable number of interface changes. Here are the most important ones.

Group administrators can now restrict the ability to send messages to the group to non-members. The new feature means that the approval of the group membership will be done manually by the admins.

This will be useful for channel owners with linked groups, as they will be able to decide who can comment on posts, i.e., all members or only those in the linked group. At the time of publishing this post, this feature is not working.

The interface of the open sticker packs has changed. It now looks more and more like the design of the web bots that Telegram added support for in a recent update.

Among other things: from now on, verification badges are displayed directly in the open channel or dialogue. Another design change is a new animation when sending data from third-party apps to Telegram.

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