• btc = $83 309.00 4 386.95 (5.56 %)

  • eth = $1 953.21 87.78 (4.71 %)

  • ton = $2.72 0.17 (6.62 %)

  • btc = $83 309.00 4 386.95 (5.56 %)

  • eth = $1 953.21 87.78 (4.71 %)

  • ton = $2.72 0.17 (6.62 %)

10 May, 2023
1 min time to read

Telegram has taken a stand against a new bill that would allow the Brazilian government to block any content it dislikes on the internet without court intervention.

The company warned that if the bill is passed, Telegram may have to stop providing services in Brazil.

The proposed bill grants the government the power to limit what can be said online by forcing applications to proactively remove information or opinions that it deems "unacceptable" and suspend any internet service without a court order.

Telegram claims that the initiative would make services responsible for deciding what content is "illegal" and create a system of permanent surveillance, similar to that in countries with anti-democratic regimes.

The messenger believes that there is no point in this initiative, as Brazil already has laws against criminal activity. Telegram is against one administrative body regulating these processes without a court.

Telegram is not alone in its concerns. Google, Meta and others have joined forces to show Brazil's National Congress why the bill needs to be rewritten. Telegram is urging all Brazilian citizens to contact their deputies to convey the danger of the initiative.

Brazilians deserve a free Internet and a free future.