• btc = $96 054.00 17.04 (0.02 %)

  • eth = $2 626.61 18.55 (0.71 %)

  • ton = $3.76 0.01 (0.28 %)

  • btc = $96 054.00 17.04 (0.02 %)

  • eth = $2 626.61 18.55 (0.71 %)

  • ton = $3.76 0.01 (0.28 %)

24 Apr, 2023
2 min time to read

The new version enables to share entire chat folders with one link, customize wallpapers for individual chats, use web apps in any chat and more.

Shareable Chat Folders

Users can now create invitation links for chat folders to quickly share them with friends or colleagues. By clicking the shared link they will add the folder and instantly join all its chats.

For each folder, user can create multiple invitation links that give the access to different sets of chats. When creating a link, user can select the chats to include – and add a unique name.

User can include any public chats, as well as any chats where user have the admin rights to add people.

If new chats are added to the public folder and the invitation link is updated, participants will be prompted to join the added chats.

To create a folder, open Settings > Chat Folders.

Custom Wallpapers

Favorite photos and color combinations can become custom wallpapers in specific chats to give conversations extra personality and make them stand out.

After setting a wallpaper, a special message will be sent in the chat that allows user chat partner to add the same wallpaper on their side – or they can create their own.

Better Bots

Bots in Telegram can be used to launch web apps - they can now be opened from any chat. If the bot supports this feature, the web app will be accessible by a direct link or mentioning the bot's name in any chat in Telegram.

For example, try typing @durgerkingbot (followed by a space) in any chat — or posting this link: https://t.me/DurgerKingBot/menu

Web apps launched from a group can now offer its members collaboration and multiplayer features.

Fast Scrolling for Attachments

The attachments menu can now be scrolled just as quickly as the Shared Media section. Pull down on the date bar to time travel.

Read Time in Topics

In groups of under 100 members with topics enabled, read receipts now show what time the messages were read by other group members.

Improved Interfaces

Send When Online requires fewer taps – to postpone sending a message until the chat partner is online again, hold the Send button.

Groups can be created now without adding members immediately -  in case admin wants to set up permissions and pin a few messages first.

On the latest iPhones, profile pictures have a new animation – smoothly sliding into the dynamic island when you scroll on profiles and info pages.

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