• btc = $101 642.00 534.09 (0.53 %)

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  • btc = $101 642.00 534.09 (0.53 %)

  • eth = $3 923.13 -3.56 (-0.09 %)

  • ton = $6.24 -0.17 (-2.64 %)

26 Dec, 2022
1 min time to read

ChatGPT from OpenAI has taken the world by storm recently. People have even delegated chatting with their matches in Tinder to ChatGPT.

Over the past years, programmers have been developing different AI-powered tools to stimulate people finding love on their phones. It`s no surprise Tinder uses AI to generate conversation starters, but users are taking it to another level. This time ChatGPT helps to generate an introductory message to a match based on user`s interests.

One "Tinder veteran" shared his experience of using ChatGPT:

One more example, a TikTok user requesting a weight lifting-themed opener. ChatGPT spit out, "Do you mind if I take a seat? Because watching you do those hip thrusts is making my legs feel a little weak." The receiver of the message enjoyed it and soon dropped her Snapchat.

There are still open-ended questions, for example, how would a match feel if they knew the messages were AI-generated? What if they were using ChatGPT to message, too — then would it matter?

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