Apple has presented its brand new upcoming invention: the mixed reality headset, its first major novelty since 2015 and Apple Watch. Some major experts of the tech-savy community have already tested the gadget. Here is a brief summary of their opinion on the matter.
Matthew Panzarino, who is an experienced user of AR-gadgets, presumes that Apple Vision Pro is yet to be tested and explored, but even the first glance on the functions and realizations impresses.
The hardware is satisfying with 24 million pixels across the two panels, better optics and comfortable ergonomics. However, the final model will come with different sizes and handband options in order to suit any user. The author indicates a considerably noticeable weight of the gadget.
There are also optical adjustments for short-sighted people. Two major problems of VR (nausea and eye isolation) are solved with two processors M1 and M2 reducing any blur or framedrops.
Other pros of the gadget, according to the TechCrunch:
Nilay Patel, editor-in-chief of The Verge, mentions specifically the display and the passthrough, indicating the comfort of taking notes on his iPhone while testing.
He was asked to provide a 3D-scan of his face via an iPhone before the testing started: it is necessary for spatial audio and better visual interaction with the gadget. The headset weight is less than a pound, design focuses on aluminum, glass and fabrics. There are 12 cameras and two processors, generating quite a heat, which can be felt by the wearer. Patle indicated that there were some black spaces in his peripheral vision, so the immersivity is not total.
He tried a FaceTime call via a digital “persona”, and saw videos and images, the quality of which was convincing. He raised several questions, such as how do you use the gadget in company or how to overcome the feeling of loneliness in AR, but the whole perception of the gadget is positive.
The headstraps have ruined his hairstyle, however.
Scott Stein thinks that Apple Vision Pro symbolises the birth of a new-generation VR. Compact, but not small headset is rather comfy and gives the vibe of Ready Player One.
The passthrough camera is good, but not as good as human vision. In the main menu the apps are opened if the user looks at the icon and tips with his finger. Several apps can be opened at once, and scrolling involves pulling with fingers. The battery pack is external.
Stein was impressed with the ability to see a passthrough image of a person walking nearby, and the demo of the game based on James Cameron’s avatar “set little chills” through him.
Adding to what was already mentioned, blogger and early adopter Marques Brownlee says that its the eye tracking that aces. He compares it with magic.
There is an OLED screen that looks transparent, but it’s not, which makes the gadget look intriguing. Passthrough camera with impressive sharpness and color is another achievement of Apple. There is a digital crown for extra control, but there are no haptics, everything is done with your hands in the air. There is a moment of mixed feelings while interacting with physical objects in the VR-world, but not feeling anything with your own body, and that can leave a user frustrated. All-in-all, the gadget is nicely made, but there is still much to improve, and everything comes at cost.