• btc = $99 466.00 - 127.55 (-0.13 %)

  • eth = $3 941.92 -33.83 (-0.85 %)

  • ton = $6.69 -0.05 (-0.75 %)

  • btc = $99 466.00 - 127.55 (-0.13 %)

  • eth = $3 941.92 -33.83 (-0.85 %)

  • ton = $6.69 -0.05 (-0.75 %)

31 Jul, 2023
1 min time to read

Users on the beta channel can now see their Twitter app as "X Beta," moving it to the bottom of their app grid, just before the YouTube family of apps.

Despite the rebranding, the underlying package name remains com.twitter.android, indicating that the core structure of the app remains unchanged. This decision likely reflects the avoidance of creating a new app and Play Store listing, which would be more complex to implement.

The recent update introduced the letter "X" across various app elements, including copy, search bars, and menus. However, the most notable change comes in the form of renaming "Tweets" to "Posts" within the app.

By opening the FAB (floating action button) in the bottom right corner, users can now write a "post" rather than a "tweet". This move marks a departure from traditional Twitter terminology.

Additionally, on user profile pages, the "Tweets" tab has been replaced with "Posts," confirming the new naming system throughout the app.

While the dark blue "Dim" mode remains in the current update, there are plans to move to an all-black "Lights out" mode. However, the light mode will still be available for users who prefer it.

Version 10.1.0 is currently in beta, but it is expected to move to a stable channel soon.