• btc = $67 413.00 2 548.82 (3.93 %)

  • eth = $3 246.94 82.02 (2.59 %)

  • ton = $6.77 0.21 (3.27 %)

  • btc = $67 413.00 2 548.82 (3.93 %)

  • eth = $3 246.94 82.02 (2.59 %)

  • ton = $6.77 0.21 (3.27 %)

31 May, 2023
1 min time to read

The latest mention of xrOS was spotted by developer Steve Troughton-Smith in Apple's App Store Connect platform.

App Store Connect serves as the hub for developers to manage and distribute their apps across various Apple platforms, including iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. Troughton-Smith shared his attempt to submit an app for xrOS, showcasing an error message generated by App Store Connect.

The error message stated, "Incorrect Platform. You included the xros arm64 executable in your iOS bundle. Only iOS executables can be included." Troughton-Smith interpreted this as Apple having already updated its internal tools to identify xrOS binaries, indicating the progress being made on the software platform.

Also Troughton-Smith noted that developers can't simply submit a binary with any random operating system name. Instead, they choose a number corresponding to Apple's platforms, and App Store Connect automatically generates the operating system's name.

This also shows that Apple considered naming the software platform for its headset "realityOS" at some point, instead of xrOS. Reports from Bloomberg have indicated that Apple plans to market xrOS as "extended reality," and the company has registered wordmarks and trademarks for xrOS globally using shell companies.