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  • btc = $67 598.00 2 449.00 (3.76 %)

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6 May, 2023
1 min time to read

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has made a startling discovery: it detected water vapor near a rocky exoplanet called GJ 486 b, which is not believed to have an atmosphere.

This discovery raises many questions, including whether the vapor is coming from the planet or from its much cooler host star. Experts estimate that the planet's surface temperature is about 800 degrees Fahrenheit, too hot for an atmosphere to exist, unless it can replenish itself continually.

If the presence of water vapor is confirmed to be from the planet, this would be a significant breakthrough for exoplanet science. The Webb's other instruments will soon have a chance to investigate the rocky exoplanet and determine whether it has an atmosphere.