• btc = $67 413.00 2 548.82 (3.93 %)

  • eth = $3 246.94 82.02 (2.59 %)

  • ton = $6.77 0.21 (3.27 %)

  • btc = $67 413.00 2 548.82 (3.93 %)

  • eth = $3 246.94 82.02 (2.59 %)

  • ton = $6.77 0.21 (3.27 %)

6 Apr, 2023
2 min time to read

Play Store adds data deletion rule to simplify account deletion, even if app is uninstalled.

Google has announced a new policy that will require all apps available on its Play Store to provide users with a "readily discoverable option" for deleting their account within the app and on the web. The goal of this policy is to give users greater clarity and control over their in-app data.

The policy will apply to all apps that require users to create an account, including social media, gaming, and productivity apps. Google wants to ensure that users can easily delete their accounts without having to redownload an app or jump through hoops to do so.

To comply with the policy, developers must add a field to the Google Play Store that links users directly to the web address for account deletion. They must also ensure that users can delete their accounts within the app, with a clear and easy-to-find option. Temporary deactivation or freezing of an account will not be enough to meet the requirement, and developers must delete all user data associated with the account unless they have legitimate reasons to retain it.

Google expects developers to disclose how they retain user data, and any exceptions to the policy must be clearly explained. For example, if an app is required by law to retain certain user data, the developer must disclose this to users.

The new policy will not take effect immediately, and developers will have until December 7th, 2023, to add more information about their data deletion practices using Google's existing data safety form. Users will be able to see how an app handles account and data deletion early next year. Developers can request an extension until May 31st, 2024, but they must provide a clear and compelling reason for doing so.

Apple implemented a similar policy for its App Store in June 2022, which also requires apps to provide users with an easy way to delete their account. However, the policy does not mandate that users should be able to delete their accounts via the web. Google's new policy is aligned with Apple's, but it goes further by requiring apps to have an account deletion option on both the app and web platforms.