• btc = $95 006.00 -1 495.12 (-1.55 %)

  • eth = $2 549.55 -89.32 (-3.38 %)

  • ton = $3.73 -0.00 (-0.08 %)

  • btc = $95 006.00 -1 495.12 (-1.55 %)

  • eth = $2 549.55 -89.32 (-3.38 %)

  • ton = $3.73 -0.00 (-0.08 %)

26 Sep, 2022
2 min time to read

A popular channel that tests the durability of devices, TechRax, checked the Apple Watch Ultra.

He threw them from a height of more than a meter. The Apple Watch Ultra remained virtually unscathed except for minor dents in the titanium case.

The YouTuber then shoved the Apple Watch Ultra into a can of nails and stirred it around. Once again, no visible marks were left on them.

TechRax soon decided to use a hammer to test the durability of the Apple Watch Ultra's sapphire crystal display. After a few knocks, the watch stopped turning on, although the screen was intact. The internal components may have been damaged. Finally, the display was shattered with a decisive blow. In doing so, the table proved to be less robust than the new Apple Watch.

Apple claims that the Apple Watch Ultra is the sturdiest, most durable and extreme Apple Watch, which seems to be aiming to compete directly with Garmin. The Apple Watch Ultra is priced starting at $799.

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