The new Telegram update has been released that allows users to set custom emoji as reactions and statuses.
All users can use dozens of new reactions, including those that previously could only be sent with a Telegram Premium subscription. The menu has been redesigned, and you can now unselect reactions to view new emoji. The most frequently used reactions are automatically moved to the top of the list.
Telegram Premium subscription holders will be able to use any of the thousands of custom emoji as reactions, in addition to the standard ones. In addition, Premium subscribers can send up to 3 reactions per message.
The updated reactions menu works in personal chats and groups.
Group administrators can set up the availability of custom sets as reactions in communities.
Telegram Premium subscribers can set an animated emoji status next to their name to show what mood they are in or what they are currently doing. The status will be displayed in place of the Premium subscriber icon in chat lists, groups and the user's profile.
The user can set one of seven standard statuses, which change colour depending on the Telegram design theme - or select any of an endless number of custom emoji. The emoji most relevant to the statuses are displayed at the beginning of the list: work, sleep, holiday and so on.
To set a status, click on your subscriber icon above the list of chats or go to Settings.
Telegram's platform for creating new emoji is available to all. You can use it to upload your own sets of unique characters for Premium users.
Users who frequently sign out of the Telegram app and log back in will now be able to receive authorisation codes by email instead of texting them - or use the Sign in with Apple or Sign in with Google.
The registration and account sign-in process on iOS devices has been improved: Users are greeted with a refreshed interface and smooth animations already familiar to Android users.
For any public address @username in Telegram, there is a link like t.me/username. It's easy to share online, which means anyone you send it to can quickly be taken to your public profile, group or channel.
A new unique link format, username.t.me, is now also available in Telegram for those who want to emphasise their username (or prefer not to look up the / symbol on the keyboard).
You can manage your active downloads in Telegram using the Downloads tab in the Search section or by tapping the Android Downloads icon in the chat list.
Users can now change the order of downloads, raising or lowering their priority by simply holding down the desired line and then moving it. The first file to be downloaded is always the one at the top of the list.
This feature is already implemented in the iOS app: tap the line in the Downloads iOS list and select "Prioritize Download" in the menu that opens.
Opening, closing, and changing media files on Android is now accompanied by a new smooth animation.
Owners of Android devices with system version 13 or higher can choose a themed icon for the Telegram app that automatically adapts to the dark theme and main colour on the device.