Fragment allows you to buy and sell Telegram usernames through auctions. On November 9, it enabled users to sell usernames, as well as channel and group names.
We describe how to buy names that can be used for Telegram accounts, groups, and channels on Fragment in a separate article. There we also explained how to buy TON and create a Tonkeeper wallet.
Read the terms and conditions and, if you agree, click on the "Confirm" button;
To confirm the action, go through two-step authentication (if available);
Go back to the Fragment website and in the "Auction Your Username" window that opens, make an initial bid of at least 10 TON.
If someone outbids you, you will receive 95% of the highest bid of the week, plus your full bid. If no one outbids you, you will get back 95% of your bet, but a commission of 5 TON will be deducted.