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  • btc = $101 430.00 506.28 (0.50 %)

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22 Apr, 2022
1 min time to read

Facebook employees complain that the thought of creating a metaverse has too consumed Mark Zuckerberg.

Mark Zuckerberg has become obsessed with the idea of creating a metaverse, which perplexes his colleagues, according to several Facebook employees.

The company's main focus is the realisation of the metaverse. Teams made up of metaverse specialists are being created, one of which will oversee all groups within the company and will be in charge of informing people that "there is a metaverse playbook."

According to employees, such decisions cause disorganisation, and they don't know what to do because there is no consistent strategy.

Zuckerberg has previously stated that the metaverse is a long-term project that won't be fully developed for a decade or more.

The company intends to spend as much this year on developing the metaverse as it did last year – about $10 billion.

An employee who recently left said that there's not much to say about the money spent so far. "There's still not much to touch or look at, much less use,' the person said, 'for all his claims about the metaverse."