• btc = $67 691.00 2 860.09 (4.41 %)

  • eth = $3 267.79 136.00 (4.34 %)

  • ton = $6.75 0.23 (3.57 %)

  • btc = $67 691.00 2 860.09 (4.41 %)

  • eth = $3 267.79 136.00 (4.34 %)

  • ton = $6.75 0.23 (3.57 %)

17 Apr, 2023
1 min time to read

The Carlisle brothers, who previously worked at Elon Musk's space venture, are now focused on constructing reusable spacecraft. Their propulsion system utilizes plasma thrusters that are fueled by water obtained from the Moon.

Argo Space Corporation, founded by three brothers, is seeking to make a bold move in space exploration. Their plan involves launching their spacecraft, Argonaut, and pioneering a new method for harvesting and storing lunar water as fuel. This innovative concept could revolutionize space travel by reducing the need for heavy and expensive rocket propellants and potentially enabling longer missions and deep-space exploration.

The brothers' vision is to commercialize the vast amounts of water found on the Moon, which they view as a valuable resource that could allow other companies to expand their operations and capabilities in space. COO Kirby Carlisle even likened the potential for water commercialization to the California Gold Rush, where the discovery of gold led to a rapid influx of settlers and transformed the state's economy.

While using water as a propellant for space travel is not a new idea, Argo's system appears to be more efficient and effective than previous attempts. The company has already secured $2 million in funding to further develop their technology and has been in discussions with various lander and rover companies to conduct a first demo on the Moon.

However, until they are able to get up to the Moon to harvest its water, the brothers have plans to use Earth water as a propellant for their Argonaut crafts. This approach will allow them to test and refine their technology while they work towards their ultimate goal of extracting water from the Moon.

The three brothers all have prior experience in the space industry, having worked at a company that is already involved in space exploration. With their knowledge and expertise, coupled with their bold vision and innovative technology, the sky truly appears to be the limit for Argo Space Corporation. Their first demo launch is currently scheduled for the end of 2024, and if successful, could usher in a new era of space travel and exploration.