• btc = $99 684.00 2 732.45 (2.82 %)

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  • btc = $99 684.00 2 732.45 (2.82 %)

  • eth = $3 385.27 170.87 (5.32 %)

  • ton = $5.48 0.14 (2.55 %)

12 Aug, 2022
1 min time to read

A new Pew Research Center study on how Gen Z uses the internet indicates that only 32% of teen aged 13-17 use Facebook at all. In a previous survey from 2014-2015, that figure stood at 71%.

The rate at which teens use Facebook is rapidly declining, while in 2014-2015 Facebook was beating out platforms like Instagram and Snapchat.

According to Jules Terpak, a Gen Z content creator covering digital culture teens just don’t find value in Facebook anymore. In his opinion, teens often associate Facebook with their parents and it has little to offer Gen Z.

The culture cultivated by the average Facebook user is very disconnected from what attracts Gen Z to a platform today, instead exuding the energy of a spam email,

Terpak told TechCrunch.

Facebook internal documents confirm the poll results. According to the documents leaked by whistleblower Frances Haugen, in early 2021 it was found that the number of teenage users on Facebook’s app had declined 13% since 2019. The figure was expected to continue to plummet 45% over the next two years.