• btc = $96 342.00 - 142.73 (-0.15 %)

  • eth = $2 639.71 3.07 (0.12 %)

  • ton = $3.82 0.08 (2.22 %)

  • btc = $96 342.00 - 142.73 (-0.15 %)

  • eth = $2 639.71 3.07 (0.12 %)

  • ton = $3.82 0.08 (2.22 %)

10 Jun, 2022
1 min time to read

According to the newly released United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's (UNCTAD) World Investment Report 2022, the UAE has been ranked as the top Arab state in terms of attraction of Foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2021.

The UAE became the largest recipient of FDI in the Arab World as flows increased to $20.7 billion in 2021 compared to $19.88 billion in 2020. The UAE also maintained its position in world chart, ranking 13th globally in the world list for year 2021.

Besides, it is estimated that the UAE accounted for 37.5% of FDI in West Asia, which rose 59% to $55 billion in 2021 due to cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Additionally, accoding to the report, global flows of FDI recovered to pre-pandemic levels last year and reached $1.58 trillion, which accounts for an increase of 64 percent compared to the year 2020.