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  • btc = $82 546.00 761.19 (0.93 %)

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28 Nov, 2022
1 min time to read

Kaspersky told Durov’s Code that a majority of employees (76%) in the UAE believe robots should be more widely used in various industries, but many are wary of robot hacking.

Employees from the UAE also believe that robots will gradually replace humans as robots develop their abilities.

Kaspersky conducted a study in which it learned the views of employees in manufacturing companies and other large organisations around the world about the implications of automation and the increased use of robots.

The study said the level of robotisation in their companies has increased over the past 2 years. 31% of employees said their organisations already use robots, and 42% of organisations plan to use them in the near future.

Robotisation as people expect it could lead to a reduction in the human workforce. 89% of workers in the UAE believe that robots will eventually replace humans in their industry. So people have to learn new knowledge and skills so they don't lose their jobs to robots.

That said, employees are ready for change. 67% are willing to learn new skills or improve their existing skills to avoid being made redundant.

At the same time, many employees believe that the introduction of robots will make people's jobs safer and more intellectually demanding, as well as increase production efficiency. 73% believe enough new jobs will be created to make up for the loss of jobs to robots.