• btc = $81 990.00 - 969.19 (-1.17 %)

  • eth = $1 804.35 -25.69 (-1.40 %)

  • ton = $3.91 0.10 (2.57 %)

  • btc = $81 990.00 - 969.19 (-1.17 %)

  • eth = $1 804.35 -25.69 (-1.40 %)

  • ton = $3.91 0.10 (2.57 %)

13 Nov, 2022
1 min time to read

The Abu Dhabi Global Market Arbitration Centre (ADGM) has launched the world's first mediation service in the metaverse.

The new service allows parties to settle a dispute through mediation in the metaverse. This helps preserve business relationships and frees up company resources, allowing organisations to focus on core business professionals.

The virtual space where "mediation in the metaverse" takes place is based on the physical space of the ADGM Arbitration Centre, while video images of the participants will be integrated into the virtual environment.

To access the virtual Arbitration Centre, the user needs a desktop computer or mobile device, without the need for additional hardware.

According to the company, the initiative is in line with the UAE's desire to reduce the carbon footprint of international dispute resolution by eliminating the need to travel.