• btc = $67 691.00 2 860.09 (4.41 %)

  • eth = $3 267.79 136.00 (4.34 %)

  • ton = $6.75 0.23 (3.57 %)

  • btc = $67 691.00 2 860.09 (4.41 %)

  • eth = $3 267.79 136.00 (4.34 %)

  • ton = $6.75 0.23 (3.57 %)

11 Aug, 2022
1 min time to read

Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market value, has run a final test before the long-awaited upgrade that will see the adoption of a proof-of-stake model for its network instead of the existing proof-of-work method.

This upgrade has been described by many as one of the most important events in the history of crypto. Since its creation almost a decade ago, Ethereum has been mined through a so-called proof-of-work model, which demands huge amounts of energy. It involves complex math equations that mining machines are solving, thus, mining new coins. Bitcoin too, relies on a similar process.

Looking for a way to reduce the energy intensity of the network, Ethereum has been working to shift to a new model for securing the network called proof-of-stake. Rather than relying on mining, the new method requires users to leverage their existing cache of ether as a means to verify transactions and mint tokens. It uses far less power and is expected to translate into faster transactions.

Ansgar Dietrichs, a researcher with the Ethereum Foundation, called the recent rehearsal “another successful test.”